Functional Medicine
Functional Medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease. Whereas conventional medicine assigns specialisms based upon body parts or organs, and looks at conditions at the time of assessment or diagnosis, Functional medicine looks at health conditions in a 3-dimensional way by associating and understanding the relationship between seemingly unrelated symptoms and by going back in time to piece together the reason behind health issues manifesting in the patient at the present time.
Functional Medicine looks at health by questioning:
How has our genetic make-up, family history, or early life predisposed us to disease?
How has the way we have lived our lives impacted our health?
What environmental or lifestyle elements may have triggered or contributed to our departure from wellness?
The Functional Medicine approach involves listening to your history and looking at the interactions among genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease. In this way Functional Medicine supports the unique expression of health and vitality for each individual.
If you’d like to know more about Functional Medicine please click here to get in touch.